Adroit Cloud Consulting supports Intuitive to maintain ‘business as usual’ during period of staff absence

Intuitive Systems Logo

The absence of a key team member at Intuitive Systems left the team short not only on resource but from a knowledge perspective too. As a result, the team required the expertise of an organisation that could not only physically cover the role but also provide strategic guidance around issues as they arose.

Due to an existing relationship with the company’s co-founder, and a reputation as experts in their field, Adroit Cloud Consulting was a natural choice.

About Intuitive

Intuitive is the provider of the leading travel technology systems and infrastructure for tour operators, online travel agents, and wholesalers. Working with some of the most recognized and well-known brands in the travel industry, Intuitive provides them with innovative and scalable solutions in an ever-changing market.

Intuitive Team Meeting

The challenge

With a team member on sabbatical, Intuitive required a trusted partner to provide day to day infrastructure cover. This staff absence had meant Intuitive’s ops manager had become increasingly involved with the day-to-day running of the business, with knock-on effects elsewhere. Intuitive needed to return to business as usual for its wider team of 40 colleagues - alleviating gaps in resources, knowledge, and expertise.

The Adroit solution

Having considered several partner options, the team at Intuitive were initially comforted by their existing relationship with Tom, who had previously worked for the business as an interim infrastructure manager. Confident in his expertise and their resulting knowledge of our wider business, it was felt the team would be able to quickly understand and engage with the task at hand – providing high-quality cover for the infrastructure role.

The results

Our support ensured reliable and knowledgeable cover during staff absences, maintaining customer success throughout. Our team’s prior knowledge of Intuitive’s business meant minimal handover was required; instead, we were able to hit the ground running with our support.

Adroit Cloud Consulting Team

The overall success of the partnership has opened the door for future collaboration between our two companies. Not only are Intuitive further encouraged by our team’s capabilities, but by working more closely, we have become increasingly aware of the wider scope of services offered by our team.

Alan Stevens, operations director at Intuitive, commented: “Bringing on a partner to help us manage a gap within our team, we never expected how seamlessly the process would run. The knowledge and expertise from Adroit meant there was no interruption to our service – internally or externally. We wouldn’t hesitate to bring Adroit back on board for future work and are currently considering how their expertise may further complement our offering.”